Thank you to the 4,500 people who participated in the UTPD biennial Community Survey. Your answers provided much insight into how you view our quality of service and where to direct our efforts as we continue our caretaking mission. For those of you who took the time to write in answers, we want you to know that we read every response.
It is encouraging to see that the majority of you feel safe on campus. We hope that you never have to call us, but it gives us great comfort to see that you would come to us should you be in the situation where you needed help. We recently added a new way to communicate with our 911 dispatch via text called LiveSafe at UT Austin. You can submit tips, photos and video anonymously. It can also be used to conduct Virtual Walks with friends. We hope you will take advantage of that free app.
When it came to selecting a location on campus where you would like to see safety improvements, the overwhelming majority of you said parking garages or parking lots. We will have a more visible presence in those areas, specifically in the early morning and evening hours. We continue to work in partnership with the Office of Campus Safety and Parking and Transportation Services to find other ways to improve your experience as you enter and exit our campus. Our goal is to make your time here comfortable, allowing you to focus on your purpose which is to provide, support, or obtain an education of the first class.
Some indicated they would like to see more cameras in use. Last fall, UTPD installed cameras in high traffic areas along Guadalupe Street as part of our expansion plan into West Campus. We look forward to moving into our new satellite office, UTPD West, in Walter Webb Hall when the pandemic emergency subsides. As we make connections with area stakeholders we will look to expand our camera network off campus.
To those of you who indicated you—because of a negative experience involving someone you know or otherwise—do not fully trust police, we continue to commit ourselves to showing up to work each day with the goal to achieve our ultimate vision as a department: to be respected and trusted by all members of UT Austin’s community.