UTPD’s model for policing is one that emphasizes working with the community to solve crime-related problems and to prevent crimes. The success of community policing is dependent on the relationships built between the police and members of the community they serve.
Community policing recognizes that police can rarely solve public safety problems alone and encourages interactive partnerships with relevant stakeholders. The range of potential partners includes other government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, individual community members, and the media. These partnerships should be used to accomplish the two interrelated goals of developing solutions through collaborative problem solving and improving public trust.
Rather than responding to crime only after it occurs, community policing encourages agencies to work proactively to develop solutions to the immediate underlying conditions contributing to public safety problems. The police and their partners should focus on factors that are within their reach, such as limiting criminal opportunities and access to victims, increasing guardianship, and associating risk with unwanted behavior.
UTPD strives to give you the best customer service possible. Our Patrol Officers respond to all calls and treat you with respect and take the time to listen to you. Our Crime Prevention Unit conducts hundreds of presentations on various topics and we are constantly looking to add more services that could improve the way we do business.
We know that if you’re satisfied with our services, you will call us again and that is the beginning to building great community relationships.