Robbery by Threat

Date Occurred
2025 Guadalupe Street

***Updated to reflect change of address and “no arrest” as reported by Austin police at 7:27 p.m. 


At 4:15 p.m. UTPD received a notification from the Austin Police Department of a robbery by threat. According to APD, a UT student reported that a transient approached her at 2025 Guadalupe Street, demanded money and threatened her with violence if she did not give it to him. The victim indicated she gave the suspect her debit card and ran home to call police. APD robbery detectives are investigating. 

If You Have Any Information:

  • Off campus: The Austin Police Department is actively investigating this incident. Call APD at 512-974-2000 if you have any information about this crime.

Campus Resources:

Student Emergency Services supports students who have been or know someone who has been a victim of a crime on or off campus. For those services, please visit the student emergency services page.

The Victims Advocate Network supports UT employees, staff, students, and visitors who have been the victim of a crime. For more information, visit the Victims Advocate Network page.

Clery Notice

This notification is provided in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act (20 USC, 1092(f)). The Clery Act is a federal statute requiring colleges and universities participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information.

