Indecent Exposure, Off Campus

Date Occurred
2300 Nueces Street


At 5:38 p.m., UTPD responded to a report of an indecent exposure in the 2300 block of Nueces Street.

A UT student reported that while walking along Nueces, a male in a dark blue older model sedan slowly approached them. The student observed an older aged male with olive skin, dark hair, and a bulky build exposing himself while driving. 

Officers searched the area and did not locate the suspect. 

If You Have Any Information:

  • UTPD is actively investigating this incident. If you have any information about this crime call 512-471-4441 and select extension 9.

Campus Resources:

Download the LiveSafe at UT Austin app to instantly text or send photos and videos to UTPD dispatch. Utilize the Virtual Walk feature to invite contacts to follow your travels as you walk or ride in a vehicle.

Student Emergency Services supports students who have been or know someone who has been a victim of a crime on or off campus. For those services, please visit the student emergency services page.

The Victims Advocate Network supports UT employees, staff, students, and visitors who have been the victim of a crime. For more information, visit the Victims Advocate Network page.


Indecent Exposure